Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Caribbean Sea Essay Example

The Caribbean Sea Paper Compare and contrast these two poems, explaining their effect on you:Windjammer by A. L Hendriks and The Fringe of the Sea by Paul Keens Douglas Both these poems, as their titles suggest, are about the sea. Windjammer by A. L Hendriks is written in Caribbean dialect, the narrator is on board a boat in the Caribbean Sea. He seems to hate the rough sea An ah wish to god ah did stay home. The Fringe of the Sea by Paul Keens Douglas is written in Standard English. The narrator is idealising the sea and he seems to love the sleek and decorous Caribbean Sea. Each poem creates vivid images and clever mind pictures. In the first poem you get the impression of a scared, self-piteous man, swaying, green-faced, on a rickety, smelly, fishing boat and Dem seasick pills dont work neither This is a great contrast to the second poem. Here you get the impression of a lazy, carefree man barearmed, barefoot, bareheaded able to saunter aimlessly beside a serene, resplendent sea. The form of the two poems is completely different. In The Fringe of the Sea each verse is like a miniature desert island, varied in shape and size. Using alliteration and repetition of the title of the poem and using simple, clear language gives the effect of soothing waves swaying near. With no complex verbs the verses seem to leave the picturesque image to the imagination, as if there is no need to explain: to work in it, dive and swim and play in it, The frequent breaks, with some verses only being three short lines, make this poem easy and undemanding to read. This, as usual, is in discordance to Windjammer which is in one long verse, like a prolonged, satirical letter of complaint or a moaning speech. We will write a custom essay sample on The Caribbean Sea specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Caribbean Sea specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Caribbean Sea specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This seems to emphasise and concur with the narrators lengthy agitated journey: If yu ever catch me puttin foot On any kind ah boat again, yu lie. Unlike in The Fringe of the Sea the narrative appears to ramble on without breaks: An is up an down, up an down In an out, in an out, There is no pause-its like the relentless sea. Nine of the lines start with An. It seems to create impending senses of anticipation, tension and expectation, like you are waiting for the man to actually be sick. It seems to increase greatly the rhythm and pace of the poem. There is the impression that the author cant emphasise enough, with his amusing whining, how bad the journey really is. Even the title Windjammer creates a negative effect. It seems the jarring wind is at war with the boat, with the Salt spray flyin and the Canvas flappin. It seems the boat is out of control. The onomatopoeia in these sentences makes it even more vivid. This poem doesnt leave as much to the imagination, every fault is picked up on and exaggerated. The ironic thing about these poems is that, whilst being completely different, they are both written about exactly the same sea. As the famous Caribbean poet Grace Nichols once said, the sea is a natural part of our psyche. This would imply that Paul Keens-Douglas adoration and dependence on the ocean is a part of him, ingrained in his culture, as a Caribbean man. Whilst, A. L Hendriks poem appears to go against this, as if his comical aversion to the sea becomes even more amusing in its oddity. This unusual fact creates wry pity for the narrator. Who, it seems lives on a small Caribbean island and cant get away from the very thing he dislikes and fears. He even makes the waves sound menacing- comparing them to look like mountain. In the poem Windjammer the poet seems to be trying to create awareness, entertainment and pity. Maybe the author is making a point. By writing in a Caribbean dialect about a Caribbean Sea, that just because he is a Caribbean person it does not mean he has to like that part of his heritage that involves the sea. The poem creates so much entertainment and makes you smile: watch yu arse or yu head gone.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tucurui Dam Project in Brazil Essay Example

Tucurui Dam Project in Brazil Essay Example Tucurui Dam Project in Brazil Paper Tucurui Dam Project in Brazil Paper With 45 000 large dams throughout the world, it is clear that dams have made a crucial assistance to human development, and the advantages derived from them have been significant. Similar to all development options, assessments on dams and their alternatives must consider a vast range of requirements, expectations, aims and confinements. Dams have both costs and benefits, making these costs and benefits balance is a exceedingly delicate task. In several cases an inappropriate and often unnecessary cost has been made to achieve those benefits, particularly in social and environmental terms; the Tucurui Dam in Brazil being one of these cases. The Tucurui Dam is situated on the lower Tocantins River within the Tocantins-Araguaia River Basin adjacent to the Amazon basin in north-eastern Brazil. The complex was constructed with the chief objective of producing hydropower, with the secondary goal of supplying a navigable river route being introduced later. The complete cost of Tucurui was US $7. 5 billion, this total exhibiting a 77% cost overrun. The people of Pari State perceived an association between hydropower and shipping as a chance to stimulate the local economy. One must note that fundamentally, the social and political receptivity to the Tucurui hydropower complex at the regional level rested on the prospect of linking the two sectors. However, the locals are yet to see this prospect in action. The construction of the locks was hobbled by a shortage of funding, and ground to a halt in 1989, the remaining parts for the lock system were said to be completed with Phase II of the project. Yet uncertainty loiters over Phase II construction schedule, with relation to the building of the locks. Additionally, although the communities around the area of the complex anticipated that the project would stimulate the development of the region, shockingly they did not receive electricity from the project until 1997, when, only as a consequence of intense pressure from local groups, a step-down substation was constructed to cater for the locals. Conversely, on a wider scale hydropower now accounts for 90% of the total power consumption in Brazil with Greenhouse Gas emissions lower compared to the emissions from alternative sources of electricity generation from Tucurui ; diesel, heavy oil and coal, thus herein lies a benefit for the environment. Alternatively, the installation of power production enabled Tucurui to replace thermo-power plants in the North east which were supplying power to the industries in Beli m at a greater cost. In 1998 with the integration to the South/South east System via the Tucurui -Serra da Mesa power line, electricity was sold to South east Brazil; the most distinguished economy in the country. Moreover, the construction of the Tucurui hydropower complex was a vital element in the regional and national policies influencing the globalisation process of Brazil. With a favourable economic environment and subsidised inputs the state mining company, Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, was able to evolve into one of the worlds major iron ore producers. Furthermore, the provision of competitive subsidised power supplied incentives for the migration of energy intensive industries from developing countries burdened with very high energy costs into Brazil. Alternatively, the globalisation process is highlighted in this sector with the involvement of trans-national corporations from the major economic strongholds of the United States and Japan. Yet imperatively, although gains for dominant industries were established, there was an absence of widespread positive results that had been predicted for the national and regional economies; as ever with globalisation the rewards are very concentrated to a minor assembly who are commonly foreigners. Additionally, even when there was some regional development it was isolated to enclaves surrounding metallurgical industries. Pressures from its international associates caused Brazil to make allowances, especially in terms of inexpensive energy prices, severely affecting economic profits at the national level, with insignificant or no return for the region. It seems therefore that even when parts of the economy have benefited from the project it is limited to or dependant on foreign corporations, thus there are benefits but at the cost of economic vulnerability. Before the project was constructed subsistence agriculture was the dominant means of survival for communities. Fishing was also prevalent in the region before the erecting of the dam, with an estimated catch of 1,534 tons/year, however catch data shows that the project meant that the area saw a 29% decline, with a reduction from 173 to 123 fish species. Not only were livelihoods put at risk by the death of species caused by a number of reasons, the chief being water quality due to euthropication, but it is another example of the most richly endowed and most distinct on the globe being destroyed for slight economic gains in an unequal trading system. The project involved submersion of 2,850 km2 of land including large areas of rainforest for the reservoir. It must be noted that a Wildlife Working Group was set up to prepare a Wildlife Development Inventory Plan, this was the most extensive and the most costly wildlife rescue carried out in Amazonia with a total investment of US $30. Conversely, the demographic effects of the project were highly significant, with the prospect of gaining construction or associated employment attracting huge influxes of migrants multiplying the population of the immediate area six-fold. However, this severely strained the infrastructure of the region and resulted in the growth of favelas, which promote ill health, crime and poverty. During the resettlement process, over 14,000 people formerly resident in the areas inundated by the reservoir were relocated, this resettlement process occurred exceedingly late and in a confined way with no thought given to the livelihood patterns of the families. This oversight was no more evident than when riverbank communities were placed inland and the extractive communities were settled in lands requiring farming in the adjoining areas. Likewise, consideration for compensation neglected the amount of work invested in the land, as well as the cultural logic, and social and historical environment of local communities. One must note that the local health impacts of constructing the Tucurui Hydropower Complex are notable and negative. The lack of sanitary infrastructure, safe drinking water and the use of smudge pots to deflect mosquitoes made them exposed to diseases such as malaria, diarrhoea, verminoses and respiratory problems. This coupled with the growth in population caused by the inflow of immigrants, resulted in a marked upsurge in the occurrence of vector transmitted diseases such as malaria, schistosomiasis, as well as industrial accidents, alcoholism, sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS. In 1980 during the construction stage of the project the infant mortality rates for the Tucurui municipal district was more than six times larger than the rest of Pari State and five times the infant mortality rate for all of Brazil. It is clear that the local population paid the cost for the project small farmers, indigenous communities and riverbank dwellers, homes, livelihoods and health were adversely affected by the project. It is also clear that that the undoubted benefits of the dam are not gained within Brazil but by foreign investors. The project was constructed despite the locals initial hopes, to try and shape Brazil, so that it is more competitive on the world market, yet it has resulted in is destroying the invaluable environment, causing health problems an has displaced locals into inappropriate areas. Ironically, it seems that the scheme resulted in Brazil becoming extremely vulnerable to trans-national companies with generally insignificant local profit. Although one may argue that this is the case for all countries due to the increasingly global nature of world trade it is more apparent in developing countries such as Brazil, who do not have as stronger internal industries as the developed countries do, such as Japan,, thus meaning that they are exceedingly reliant and hence more vulnerable to the decisions of trans- national companies. In conclusion, I believe that the scheme was unjustified, not only in financial terms but also in social and environmental terms too. Dams alter landscapes and create risks of irrevocable impacts. The debate about dams is a debate concerning the very aim and pathways for accomplishing all growth and development. Similar to all development propositions, unless dams attempt to promote integrated development actions for rural areas, stress renewable energy projects (which the scheme did) improve the quality of life for local communities, whilst taking into regard the fact that the urban populace has easier access to the advantages of these enterprises, then they will continue to exhibit more costs than benefits.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Homework Harm and Struggles Let Us Ban It

Homework Harm and Struggles Let Us Ban It Homework Ban: Failure in Class or a Recharge Before Next Day’s School? Disputes about homework and its amount will probably exist as long as education itself. Students oppose it, teachers and some parents enforce it, and some parents begin to doubt the practice and ask questions about how exactly this additional workload is going to help their children to be curious thinkers if all kids want to do every day is to get a bit more sleep. This gloomy picture made us come up with two issues up front: first, we will scrutinize real pros and cons of heavy homework load, and second, we will offer you a solution to your ordeal. If today’s tasks are just impossible (as if other daily tasks are much easier!) just let us know, and we will help you out of any written task you can think of. We have been dealing with stressed students and abundant assignments long enough to know how to accomplish them efficiently and not to compromise your grades. Now back to the question of homework. What Science Has to Say About Homework Role in Students’ Academic Success Scholars including biologists and children psychologists have long studied how kids’ bodies and minds function and arrived at a conclusion that home task does not essentially improve learning outcomes of students. Only certain limited amounts of work at home do boost learning and make students more confident in applying their theoretical gains to real-life challenges. But the tradition of abundant homework with heavy stress on memorization dates back to times ages ago when kids’ needs were not taken into account and adults treated kids in ways they believed were right, not in ways that were actually right. Since then the education system was thoroughly overhauled, both for the benefit of students and the country, but the concept of homework did not change much. Moreover, in various countries approach to homework is different, in some teachers assign loads of it, and in some kids have plenty of time to rest and enjoy themselves after school, and their academic level does not trail behind the US students level. Recently, the debate has moved to the public sphere, with thoughtful arguments in media both for and against homework. HuffPost claims that only 30 minutes of work is allowed. The Atlantic takes the more measured stand and calculates what load suits what age. Teachers, parents, and experts all voice their sincere beliefs and facts to support their positions. But can these debates be boiled down to some concise lists? Actually, yes. We will begin with a more inspiring part: 10 Solid Reasons Homework Should Be Eliminated (or at least heavily limited in amount). Unfortunately, the existence of these facts will not make colleges and schools skip home tasks overnight, but at least you will be equipped to support your position about homework when asking a teacher to give fewer tasks for home studies. And these arguments will be related neither to laziness nor to boredom (these two are too easy to dismiss). Stealing home time that can be spent resting, communicating with parents, siblings or friends – or just engaging in enriching things that you really like. Students spend in school long hours that can be compared to a full workday – and they are required to do more work at home. In adults’ world it is called overtime and is paid for at double rates, and here it is considered a benefit for students just for the sake of its own. Unnecessary work that does not actually impact knowledge or academic success. For homework to be useful and impact study outcomes positively, many factors are to be taken into consideration while tasks are assigned. Namely, the age of students, the total load of homework for the day, the complexity of the material, its familiarity to students, and many more. But usually, tasks are just dumped on a student’s plate, both discussed and undiscussed in class. What a teacher did not manage to cover in class is supposed to be mastered by students on their own. This is not what homework should be like, experts say. Making students fail at next day tests. Long hours of afterschool work exhaust students even more, and the next day they feel fatigued and distressed, and they hardly remember things they need to pass tests (especially if large home tasks were in a different subject). So they fail, and instead of benefiting from homework they have low scores in tests as well. Pressure on mental health and a negative impact on mood. It is obvious that additional challenging work is no good for developing self-perception and attitudes to the world. The unnecessary challenge to students who have other tasks like job, sports or looking after siblings. Instead of pursuing healthy pastime or hobbies that can develop into careers, students spend time doing useless tasks. And then they are expected to know for sure what they want to do in the future! No assistance in doing tasks. One of the biggest problems with homework. Students have no one to ask if they have troubles with homework, and so they just repeat their mistakes over and over. Standardization of ways students has to learn things. People are wired for different channels of learning, and while some can learn by reading, others just physically need to listen or to watch a video to understand something. Writing is not everybody’s talent. Yes, writing in itself is challenging. Not everyone can come up with a decent essay in, say, history or sociology. Just skip it. The content of tasks does not coincide with the content covered in class. One more improper way to give home task. The lack of time in class and overly packed curricula are not the problems of students, they are problems of boards and educators who design curricula without knowing what goes on in real classrooms. But since teachers are required to meet milestones, they dump the load on students to study at home. This is a total no-no from a scientific viewpoint, but it happens often. Artificial reason for bitter arguments between parents and kids. Yes, teenage is hard, and fights over homework only aggravate already tense and complex relations between parents and kids. 8 Facts That Show That Homework Can Be Useful (Under Certain Conditions) Helps to reduce time spent on gadgets in time of digital intoxication. Yes, maybe, it does not require browsing the web for a couple of hours and typing a paper for three more hours. Helps to learn time management (if given in reasonable amounts). Yes, if a load is manageable then time distribution planning is important. But today homework just consumes all waking time of students. No management needed. Helps master critical thinking and train memory. Yes, if a material was already covered in class and discussed. Then going over it can help students see the connection they did not notice or ask questions that go beyond the surface of events. If they see the material for the first time, they have more questions than answers – and no one is here to answer them. Gives a sense of responsibility and accomplishment. Yes, if work is manageable then completing it before doing something for fun makes kids feel responsible and proud. Boosts research skills. Yes, if students have a framework of knowledge already and are required to elaborate it through research. A doubtful benefit, as researches show today. But anyhow, creating a written project does require research planning, drafting and creating a final version. This is a good training session in switching between tasks. Topics for discussions with parents. Cool, if parents can participate and help children grasp the topics better. Refreshing study materials in memory before tests. Yes, but home task should include only the subject related to the next day’s test. Then it will not divert time and attention and will help to understand and memorize stuff better. So, What Is the Conclusion About Homework? As any medicine, it has its proper dosage and plans of administering. If everything is observed carefully, a home task is a valuable tool to boost learning and develop students’ thinking. But if the load is too big or too complex, it poisons minds, exhausts bodies and in general makes school a gruesome place. So it is up to teachers (and education boards and committees) to manage homework amounts more carefully and so inspire kids’ curiosity and openness to learning. If nothing else helps, we are the last bastion that will take a punch and save your grades by delivering fast and high-quality homework assistance. Remember that.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Soccer and Basketball Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Soccer and Basketball - Essay Example The paper will examine the use of the ball in the two sports, the number of players and their positions, the roles of the sports and their durations. Soccer and basketball are among the two most popular sports in the world. While basketball had always been a favorite American game, it was only recently that soccer became a favorite American pastime. This is probably due to the fact that basketball originated from the US while soccer has its origins in Europe. The present craze over football can be attributed to the influence of the World Cup. Although both games have the same objective of getting the ball into the goal post in soccer and the net in basketball, there are many other similarities and differences between the two sports. Although leather balls are used in both soccer and basketball, there are several differences between them. The two sports are different in the type of balls they use and the ways they use the balls. The soccer ball’s circumference is 27-28 inches while the basketball’s circumference in the NBA is 29.5 inches. The ball used in soccer is a thickly-padded and smooth with black and white pen tagonal sections. However, basketballs are orange with thin symmetrical lines. The primary rule in soccer is that players are not allowed to use their hands. Only the goalkeepers are allowed to use their hands. In addition, soccer players can use their heads and their trunks of their bodies. They must try to kick the ball into the opposing team’s goal post by moving the ball without touching it with their hands. If a player touches the ball with his hands, then the other team gets a free kick. On the other hand, basketball is a game where â€Å"two teams of players each try to score by shooting a ball through a hoop elevated 10 feet above the ground† (Basketball Basics, 2011). Basketball players dribble with their hands. If basketball players touch the ball with other parts SOCCER AND BASKETBALL – A COMPARISON 3 of their bodies, then it is considered a foul. Basketballs can be advanced by bouncing it while running, walking or passing it to a teammate. If a playe r kicks the ball in basketball, the referee blows the whistle and the other team gets the ball. Therefore, each game uses different parts of the body and the objective in both sports is to outscore the opponents. The only way to score a goal in soccer is by hitting the ball across the goal line and every goal is worth a point. Conversely, in basketball, each goal is worth two points. Points are scored by shooting the ball into the opponent team’s net. In both soccer and basketball, the team with the most points at the end of the game wins. Both soccer and basketball are considered team sports as there are several people playing the games at once. While soccer has eleven players in a team, basketball has five who are allowed to play at one time. However, a soccer team can have 50 players on the roster but a basketball team can only have about 12 and 15 players. In soccer, the players are divided between four positions: defenders, forwards, midfielders and goal keepers. Usually each team has 2-3 defenders or fullbacks who try to block the opposing team’s players from scoring. They play closest to their goal post that their goalkeeper defends. Conversely, forwards play closest to the opponent’s goal post which is guarded by the opposing goalkeeper. There are normally three forwards who play in front of the rest of the team and are responsible for a team’s scoring. Their primary function is to score goals for their team. The 2 –

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Discussion format 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion format 2 - Assignment Example What needs to be known about both of these big companies is that they provide many of the products for the lesser known store brands. In one store the mustard might have the store name on it, but it actually was made by either Kraft of Heinz. In many instances these store brands are made in the same factory and at the same time. These products are put into different bottles or plastic containers that carry the store’s name or brand. This is the way that business is being done in order to keep the cost of the store item low. Very few people understand how this is accomplished. The larger companies are not hurt by the store brands. What these companies would like for one to believe is that they have the customer’s interest at heart, when in actuality all they are interested in is the money that one will spend on their product. 2. Macy’; s vs. JC Penny has been competitors for many years; they have very similar shoppers. However the Penny shopper tends to be a littl e more frugal and is always watching her budget. The Macy’s shopper is a more outgoing and ready to spend. Both stores are in the same ball park; but in a game of their own.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Evolution of the Automobile Essay Example for Free

The Evolution of the Automobile Essay The official definition of an automobile is â€Å"a passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline or diesel internal-combustion engine† (Merriam-Webster 51). There is no one person accredited for the invention of the automobile, but rather a collection of advancements that evolved into the modern-day automobile (Smith 12). Today, there are approximately 600 million passenger vehicles in existence worldwide, with numbers rapidly increasing in emerging economic â€Å"power countries†, such as China and India (Smith 23). A Flemish man named Ferdinand Verbiest introduced the first design for a self-propelled vehicle in 1672, in China, nearly one hundred years before the first internal combustion engine (Smith 25). From the late seventeenth century to the early nineteenth century, a series of vehicles, all propelled by steam, were constructed and demonstrated worldwide (Smith 34). The steam car was a superior machine in the nineteen hundreds (Smith 34). Steam cars were responsible for everyday travel, commercial transportation and even held land speed records (Smith36). It wasn’t until 1807 that the world’s first internal combustion engine was created, in France, by Nicephore Niepce (Smith 36). Another leader in the creation of the internal combustion engine was Francois Issac de Rivaz, who revolutionized the fuel that the engines ran on (Smith 36). Early automobiles powered by internal combustion engine ran on fuel made of powered and coal mixed with oil or a mixture of elements, such as hydrogen and oxygen (Smith 36). In 1824, and Englishman named Samuel Brown adapted the steam engine to burn gasoline and created the first gas vacuum engine (Smith 38). Sir Dougald Clerk, of Scotland, was accredited in 1876 for designing the first successful two-stroke engine (Smith39). In 1890, Wilhelm Mayback created the first four-cylinder, four-stroke engine (Smith39). Everything changed in 1885, when vehicle engineering took a sharp turn towards the future in regards to efficiency and affordability, thanks to the German inventor, Karl Benz (Smith 49). As the market for economical automobiles in the late nineteenth century began to grow, the need for industrial production was pressing. Benz patented the first four-stroke engine to be placed in his company’s production automobiles in 1888 (Smith 50). The first large-scale assembly production lines appeared in the early 1900s, many of which are still around today (Smith 24). Oldsmobile and Ford were two of the first companies to successfully mass-produce vehicles to meet the vast automotive market needs. American entrepreneur, Henry Ford, invented and improved the assembly line and installed the first conveyor belt system in his automobile manufacturing plant, based in Detroit, Michigan (Smith 95). Assembly lines reduced production costs by training workers to become experts with one specific part of the automobile or machinery, thus reducing production costs (Smith 97). Ford introduced the Model T in 1908, which could be assembled in an unprecedented ninety-three minutes. In the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, governments began to create and enforce automobile safety and environmental regulations (Smith 103). The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations is a working party of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the goal of this organization is to facilitate international trade by creating a uniform model of regulations for vehicle design (Corbett 67). The UNECE is also responsible for creating and enforcing regulations on vehicle safety among automotive manufacturers (Corbett 69). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than one million people are injured or fatally wounded on the world’s roads annually (Corbett 70). Some examples of vehicle regulations include seat belts, air bags and laminated windshields (Corbett 71). Seat belts limit the forward motion of the driver or passengers and absorb kinetic energy by stretching to retain movement if an accident occurs (Corbett 71). Air bags inflate to cushion to cushion the impact of the vehicle occupants and are placed in various locations in the vehicle’s interior, such as steering wheels, dash and doors (Corbett 71). Laminated windshields are designed to remain in one piece when impacted to prevent shattering, while maintaining visual clarity just after an accident has occurred, allowing the driver to safely redirect themselves from harm’s way (Corbett 71). There are also regulations for vehicle’ side windows and back windshield (Corbett 72). Windows and rear wind shields must be manufactured with tempered glass, which breaks into granules with minimally sharp edges, rather than splitting into jagged fragments as ordinary glass does (Corbett 72). Many new luxury features, such as paint color choices, differences in interior and upgraded designs and environmental features much as electric or hybrid engines in the twentieth century emerged on the market (Anderson and Anderson 167). The modern day automobile is a vehicle of evolutionary change and has transformed exponentially over the last several centuries. Today, the leading manufacturers of automobiles are Toyota (Japan), General Motors (USA), Volkswagen (Germany) and Ford (USA) (Corbett 22). These leading manufacturers all embody features and characteristics that make their product and branding unique and memorable, as well as abiding by worldwide government standards which include regulations of vehicle safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency and theft resistance (Corbett 13-16, 18). The evolution of motor vehicles from the seventeenth century to present-day is astounding. It would be reasonable to argue that the automobile is the single most evolved piece of modern machinery of all time. Motor vehicle usage has evolved over time, beginning with use for personal leisure and developed for commercial transportation, public transit and racing. The transformation of production and assembly, as well as the addition of customizable features mark the individualistic ideals of the twenty-first century. There no doubt, motor vehicles will continue to evolve throughout time with environmental needs at the forefront worldwide and the ever-growing necessity of increasing luxury among automobile owners. Works Cited Anderson, Curtis Darrel, and Judy Anderson. Electric and Hybrid Cars: A History. Chicago: McFarland, 2010. Print. Corbett, David. A History of Cars. New York: Gareth Stevens Publishers, 2005. Print. Merriam-Webster, Inc. , . Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary. 11th. New York: Merriam-Webster, Inc. , 2003. Print. Smith, Kaelyn. A Brief History of Automobiles. New York: Websters Digital Services, 2011. Print.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Myth of the Old West Essays -- American History, Cowboys

Over the years, the idea of the western frontier of American history has been unjustly and falsely romanticized by the movie, novel, and television industries. People now believe the west to have been populated by gun-slinging cowboys wearing ten gallon hats who rode off on capricious, idealistic adventures. Not only is this perception of the west far from the truth, but no mention of the atrocities of Indian massacre, avarice, and ill-advised, often deceptive, government programs is even present in the average citizen’s understanding of the frontier. This misunderstanding of the west is epitomized by the statement, â€Å"Frederick Jackson Turner’s frontier thesis was as real as the myth of the west. The development of the west was, in fact, A Century of Dishonor.† The frontier thesis, which Turner proposed in 1893 at the World’s Columbian Exposition, viewed the frontier as the sole preserver of the American psyche of democracy and republicanism by co mpelling Americans to conquer and to settle new areas. This thesis gives a somewhat quixotic explanation of expansion, as opposed to Helen Hunt Jackson’s book, A Century of Dishonor, which truly portrays the settlement of the west as a pattern of cruelty and conceit. Thus, the frontier thesis, offered first in The Significance of the Frontier in American History, is, in fact, false, like the myth of the west. Many historians, however, have attempted to debunk the mythology of the west. Specifically, these historians have refuted the common beliefs that cattle ranging was accepted as legal by the government, that the said business was profitable, that cattle herders were completely independent from any outside influence, and that anyone could become a cattle herder. In order to p... the American government and rightfully rebelled. This rebellion, unlike the others, was successful, as Red Cloud forced the Bozeman Trail to be closed. Nonetheless, it demonstrates the American Government’s oppression of Native Americans. All in all, the treatment of the American Indian during the expansion westward was cruel and harsh. Thus, A Century of Dishonor conveys the truth about the frontier more so than the frontier thesis. Additionally, the common beliefs about the old west are founded in lies and deception. The despair that comes with knowing that people will continue to believe in these false ideas is epitomized by Terrell’s statement, â€Å"Perhaps nothing will ever penetrate the haze of puerile romance with which writers unfaithful to their profession and to themselves have surrounded the westerner who made a living in the saddle† (Terrell 182).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Substance Abuse And Addiction Health And Social Care Essay

â€Å" Tens of 1000000s of Americans use habit-forming substances. Twenty-five million have a history of intoxicant dependance and more than five million qualify as difficult nucleus chronic drug users † ( Bernhein and Rangel, 2004 ) . The alterations in the encephalon make it hard for people to halt mistreating drugs. Research shows that â€Å" uniting dependence intervention medicines with behavioural therapy is the best manner to guarantee success for most patients † (, 2008 ) . Treatment is tailored to the patient ‘s maltreatment or dependence job and any other jobs they may hold medically, socially, or psychologically. Statement of Problem The job of substance maltreatment and dependence is a turning job. Prevention is the key to assist control and halt this job. Intervention, parental influence, and the media can all impact a individual and their job. Substance dependence occurs when â€Å" after important exposure, users find themselves prosecuting in compulsive, repeated, and unwanted usage despite clearly harmful effects, and frequently despite a strong desire to discontinue unconditionally ( Bernhein and Rangel, 2004 ) . Peoples in the United States have spent over $ 150 billion on baccy merchandises, alcoholic drinks, cocaine, diacetylmorphine, marihuana, and Methedrines ( Bernhein and Rangel, 2004 ) . Social costs such as wellness attention, non-productivity, and offense sum more than $ 300 billion per twelvemonth ( Bernhein and Rangel, 2004 ) . Drugs are â€Å" chemicals that tap into the encephalon ‘s communicating system and interrupt the manner nervus cells usually send, receive, and procedure information † (, 2008 ) . The drugs can direct incorrect messages to the encephalon by directing big sums of Dopastat into the system. By over-stimulating the system, the euphoric consequence causes a individual to reiterate the behaviour of mistreating drugs (, 2008 ) . Through changeless usage, the euphoric consequence wears off and the individual must go on taking the drug, and perchance more of the drug, in order to capture that experiencing once more. â€Å" Brain imaging surveies of dependent persons shows alterations in countries of the encephalon that are critical to judgement, determination devising, acquisition, memory, and behavior control. These alterations drive an maltreater to seek out and take drugs obsessively despite inauspicious effects to go addicted to drugs † (, 2008 ) . Drug dependence is preventable. NIDA funded research show â€Å" that bar plans that involve the household, schools, communities, and the media are effectual in cut downing substance maltreatment. Although many events and cultural factors affect substance maltreatment tendencies, when young persons perceive substance maltreatment as harmful, they cut down their drug pickings. It is imperative that in order to assist the young person and the general populace to understand the hazard of substance maltreatment and for instructors, parents, and health care professionals to maintain directing the message that drug dependence can be prevented if a individual ne'er abuses drugs † (, 2008 ) . Discussion Substance dependence is a â€Å" chronic, frequently get worsing encephalon disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and utilize despite harmful effects to the person that is addicted and to those around them. It is a encephalon disease because the maltreatment of drugs can take to alterations in the construction and map of the encephalon † (, 2008 ) . Substance maltreatment involves the â€Å" perennial and inordinate usage of chemical substances to accomplish a certain consequence † ( Segal and Cutter, 2009 ) . Substance dependence and maltreatment compels a individual to go haunted with obtaining and utilizing drugs despite the many inauspicious wellness and life jobs ( The National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2009 ) . The research indicates people abuse drugs because they think they feel better on drugs. It is besides stated in research they take drugs in order to get by with the many troubles they may be confronting in their life. â€Å" Drugs exert their effects mostly on the motive and pleasance tracts of the encephalon ( The National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2009 ) . Drugs affect the encephalon chemicals because the â€Å" chemical construction of the drugs is similar to encephalon chemicals or neurotransmitters † ( The National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2009 ) . â€Å" Similarity in construction allows them to be recognized by nerve cells and to change normal encephalon messages † ( The National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2009 ) . Addiction is a â€Å" developmental disease which normally beings in adolescence † ( The National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2009 ) . â€Å" Sixty-seven per centum of adolescence will experiment with marihuana for the first clip between the ages of 12 and 17 † ( The National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2009 ) . Prevention would necessitate to get down at an early age in order to halt substance maltreatment before it starts. Causes There is no conclusive grounds why person can go addicted to a substance and another individual does non. In dependence there is a force which creates an inability to acquire control of a state of affairs. If a individual is in hurting, they may take a hurting pill. Once the hurting subsides any little feeling of hurting and the individual will take another pill. The individual becomes use to the feeling that the pill is giving them relief irrespective of how terrible or non the hurting still is. This is when people abuse prescribed medicines, nonprescription medicines or illegal pills. Substance maltreatment can besides be a trigger when a individual is experiencing down or lonely. Taking a pill can assist control that feeling. There are other triggers which can do dependence: household history, history of mental unwellness, untreated physical hurting, and peer force per unit area ( Segal and Cutter, 2009 ) . Vulnerability is a â€Å" merchandise of the interaction of a individual ‘s biological science, cistrons, environment, and age † ( The National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2009 ) . Studies show that along with environment, emphasis, and equal influence, genetic sciences attribute anyplace from 40 % to 60 % per centum toward sensitivity to dependence. Environmental factors besides contribute to a individual ‘s impulse to take drugs. Factors such as a history of physical or sexual maltreatment, witnessing a violent act, or emphasize all influence the individual ‘s pick ( The National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2009 ) . Gender besides affects substance maltreatment and dependence. Abuse and dependence can impact a male otherwise from a female. Research on grownup substance maltreaters has â€Å" revealed a figure of societal and psychological differences between males and females that have of import deductions for intervention † ( Toray, Coughlin, Vuchinich and Patricelli, 1991 ) . A survey was done on 930 male and female striplings who were in intervention for substance maltreatment. They were analyzed to understand the difference between the genders ( Toray et. Al, 1991 ) . While category and ethnicity influence the logical thinking behind adolescent substance maltreatment, small research has been done to understand how gender affects maltreatment and dependence. Research showed that â€Å" gender differences may be in psychosocial factors such as depression and parental and equal influences which determine substance usage forms † ( Toray, et Al, 1991 ) . Men are more likely to seek intervention so adult females are. â€Å" The survey showed that 20 % of all clients in publically funded intervention services were adult females † ( Toray, et Al, 1991 ) . Because of societal stigma, adult females seem to be less unfastened about their jobs. Female substance maltreaters â€Å" tend to self-medicate to acquire off from emotional hurting † ( Toray, et Al, 1991 ) . There are great differences in the figure of males and females who receive intervention. Females study higher rates of self-destruction, depression, and physical and sexual mal treatment so males do. Because of these differences, the success of intervention can be less successful for females ( Toray, et Al, 1991 ) . Data was collected from 1981 through 1988 from 930 striplings. Of these striplings, 90 % were from in-between category households and 10 % were from lower and upper category households. The age span was 16 old ages old for males and 15 old ages old for female. The striplings were chiefly of white beginning ( Toray, et Al, 1991 ) . The intent of this research was to garner information about the young person ‘s drug history and household history and to profile the young person sing their drug usage. The group was asked the particulars of their drug usage – what they used and how frequently. They were given a psychological profile sing depression, self-destruction efforts, physical and/or sexual maltreatment. They besides were asked about their parent ‘s history of drug usage and whether they used drugs, intoxicant, or both ( Toray, et Al, 1991 ) . The major differences found between males and females were in â€Å" suicide efforts, physical and/or sexual maltreatment and household drug history with female rates significantly higher so male rates † ( Toray, et Al, 1991 ) . The female substance maltreater may be â€Å" confronted with psychological, household, and cultural barriers in recovery non found by males † ( Toray, et Al, 1991 ) . Recovery is a long and difficult procedure and may be more hard for a female because resources available to females â€Å" lack sensitiveness to a figure of issues she may be confronting such as stigmatisation and sexual victimization † ( Toray, et Al, 1991 ) . It is critical that a female receive the appropriate support both during and after intervention. Rational Peoples have many grounds for remaining addicted to substances. They might believe â€Å" ingestion of the habit-forming good is non every bit harmful, that persons possess subjective beliefs refering this injury, and that beliefs are optimally updated information gained through ingestion † ( Orphanides and Zervos, 1995 ) . Parents, guidance, and equals can assist a individual get through this tough stage of their life. There is intervention out at that place where the dependence can be controlled and non take over person ‘s life. Peoples ‘s dependences are non merely to substances but to other things such as work, eating, and faith. Rational Choice Theory can explicate a assortment of habit-forming behaviours. The theory â€Å" derives conditions that determine whether steady province ingestion degrees are unstable or stable. Unstable steady provinces are important to the apprehension of rational dependence † ( Becker and Murphy, 1988 ) . The variables determine whether a individual can go addicted to a certain good and the effects that it causes. Consumption of a substance will demo how a individual responds to alterations sing the substance. It besides shows how a individual responds to stressful things that are go oning in their life and if it increases the demand for the substance ( Becker and Murphy, 1988 ) . â€Å" The Rational Choice Theory implies that â€Å" traveling cold Meleagris gallopavo is used to stop strong dependences, that nuts frequently go on orgies, that addicts respond more to permanent than to impermanent alterations in monetary values of habit-forming goods, and that anxiousness and tensenesss can precipitate and dependence ( Becker and Murphy, 1988 ) . A individual decides to stop his dependence if â€Å" events lower either his demand for the habit-forming good sufficiently or his stock of ingestion capital sufficiently † ( Becker and Murphy, 1988 ) . There needs to be an interaction between the individual and the good in order for the individual to halt the dependence. Rational individuals end stronger dependences more quickly than weaker 1s can. Media, Parents, and Peers The United States Office of National Drug Control Policy late â€Å" launched a media run intended to cut down illegal drug usage by the immature Americans † ( Lu, Zanutto, Hornik and Rosenbaum, 2001 ) . This survey was done with 521 teens and it compared teens that had been exposed to the media run and those that were non. The research was done based on three inquiries: â€Å" ( 1 ) In recent months, how frequently have you seen anti-drug commercials on telecasting or heard them on the wireless? ( 2 ) In recent months, how frequently have you seen anti-drug ads in newspapers or magazines? ( 3 ) In recent months, how frequently have you seen anti-drug ads in film theatres or on pictures? † ( Lu, et Al, 2001 ) . Older kids reported â€Å" less exposure to the media run than the younger kids, but gender and race showed small or no relationship to exposure † ( Lu, et Al, 2001 ) . Social larning theory sing emphasis and header were integrated to organize a ground for adolescent drug usage from informations obtained from 343 young persons. Parental rejection, aberrant equals, and low self-pride increased the stripling ‘s chance of drug usage. Findingss suggest that intervention should include single guidance and household therapy with an accent on rearing patterns ( Simons and Robertson, 1989 ) . This survey was done in a Midwestern metropolis with a population of 250,000. The stripling ‘s interviewed were between the ages of 13 to 17 old ages. They completed a two-hour interview and questionnaire. The questionnaire focused on demographic information, household state of affairs, peer relationships, psychological wellbeing, delinquent behaviour, and drug/alcohol usage ( Simon and Robertson, 1989 ) . 189 were male and 154 were female. They came from all different walks of life. Consequences found that substance maltreatment among young persons was â€Å" associated with weak bonds to household and strong bonds to a aberrant equal group † ( Simons and Robertson, 1989 ) . Parental rejection increased the usage of substance maltreatment amongst young person. Rejected kids tended to â€Å" mistrust and impute malevolent motivations to others, with the consequence being a defensive, if non aggressive, attack to equals interactions † ( Simons and Robertson, 1989 ) . Parental rejection is â€Å" positively related and self-esteem negatively related to avoidant get bying. There was no important coefficient between either parent ‘s imbibing form and avoidant header and parental rejection and aggressiveness are positively associated with engagement in a aberrant equal group † ( Simons and Robertson, 1989 ) . Prevention and Treatment Geting the message out sing substance maltreatment and dependence being harmful demands to get down at an early age. Most people become addicted can non halt without aid. In the addicted encephalon, â€Å" the control circuit becomes impaired because of drug usage and loses much of its repressive power over the circuits that drive responses to stimuli deemed salient † ( The National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2009 ) . Substance maltreatment intervention needs to handle the whole individual non merely the substance job. Behavior therapy can modify a individual ‘s attitude and behaviour as it relates to the substance maltreatment. There are medicines that a individual can take to handle the symptoms. Peoples that want to halt pickings can take a medical specialty that will assist control their desire to towards their dependence. Since substance maltreatment is really complex, there are many different types of intervention. Substance maltreatment intervention includes â€Å" detoxification, direction of drug dependance, and bar of backsliding † ( The National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1996 ) . Treatment plans are varied and multifaceted. Treatment falls into two classs: â€Å" drugs that affect physiological procedures and therapies that aim to modify behaviour † ( The National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1996 ) . Prescription medicines can supply a utility drug for the existent drug and barricade the physiological effects of the abused drug. They can besides assist the effects of backdown. Therapy and guidance can assist to alter a individual ‘s behaviour. â€Å" Peer support self-help groups modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous, behavioural conditioning to change one ‘s response to drug stimulations, accomplishment development, or long term intervention in a closed residential scene str essing substance abstention and acquisition of new attitudes and behaviour † ( The National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1996 ) , are all apart of acquiring effectual intervention. A â€Å" loving, fostering relationship with household has shown to be an of import portion though which a individual can larn to care, to give, and to compromise in relationships with others † ( Simons and Robertson, 1989 ) . Backsliding Peoples do non acquire cured when they go through intervention. Peoples become clean and sober. Substance maltreatment requires womb-to-tomb intervention. Peoples need to be able to acquire where they can â€Å" pull off their recovery and recover their lives † ( The National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2009 ) . If a individual relapses, it needs to function as a trigger that a different intervention or intercession demands to be used. The added support of a group, reding, household, and friends can assist a individual get through intervention. â€Å" The odds of staying abstentious rise if a patient has been abstinent for one to three old ages. After three old ages, the recovery odds remain high and stable. Addiction requires an on-going and active disease direction scheme † ( The National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2009 ) . Backsliding is common and frequently repeated interventions are required. Successful intervention relies in portion on how much clip is spent in a intervention plan. Those who remain in a plan for at least a twelvemonth are less likely to return to their substance maltreatment or dependence ( The National Institute on Drug Addiction, 1996 ) . Opportunities of backsliding are influenced by the same biological, psychological, behavioural, societal, and environmental factors that they originally faced. The longer person abstains from substance maltreatment, the better the opportunity of them remaining clean and sober in the hereafter ( The National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1996 ) . Decision This paper covers substance maltreatment and dependence and its affects. The research was based on intercession and bar and the influences around a individual including the media, parents, and equals. This subject was chosen because of the turning job with substance maltreatment and dependence in the United States. Merely in my town entirely, there are changeless reminders everyday of the job and how it affects the town, the schools, and the individual ‘s household. The paper was developed around why and how a individual abuses or becomes dependence to a substance. The paper besides discusses the different research done sing substance maltreatment and dependence particularly refering striplings. The paper besides discusses the bar of substance maltreatment and dependence and those around them that can assist such as household, friends, and support groups. Even though there are drugs which can assist a individual, there still is the job of going addicted. Because so many people have a substance maltreatment and dependence, dependence still remains a job in the United States. Reasons for dependence and maltreatment are eternal. Without the aid and support of household, friends, and intervention, the dependence will go on. Even with support, people may decline it. The addicted individual demands to desire to halt their dependence. Annotated Bibliography Becker, G.S. , and Murphy, K.M. ( 1988 ) . A theory of rational dependence. The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 96, No. 4, pp. 675-700. The University of Chicago Press. Retrieved on January 9, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // This article discusses how a individual rationalizes their substance maltreatment or dependence and what they future may keep for them. Bernheim, B.D. , and Rangel, A. ( 2004 ) . Addiction and cue-triggered determination procedures. The American Economic Review, Vol. 94, No. 5 pp. 1558-1590. American Economic Association. Retrieved on January 9, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // This article discusses why users find themselves prosecuting in usage even if they might desire to halt. The user knows the effects of what they are making and might desire to halt but can non. It besides discusses the money that is spent on substance maltreatment in the United States. It besides talks about forms of habit-forming behaviour. Lu, B. , Zanutto, E. , Homik, R. , and Rosenbaum, P.R. ( 2001 ) . Matching with doses in an experimental survey of a media run against drug maltreatment. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 96, No. 456 pp. 1245- 1253. American Statistical Association. Retrieved on January 9, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // This article discusses how the media might act upon habit-forming behaviour and how the media could be used in a positive manner. MedicineNet, Inc. ( 2008 ) . Drug maltreatment and dependence. Retrieved on January 8, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // articlekey=25825 This article discusses what drug dependence is and why some people might go addicted and some do non. Factors include biological science, environment, and development. Orphanides, A. , and Zervos, D. ( 1995 ) . Rational dependence with acquisition and sorrow. The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 103, No. 4 pp. 739-758. The University of Chicago Press. Retrieved on January 9, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // This article discusses how people did non believe that they could go addicted and how they regret their past determinations. Saisan, J. , Segal, J. , and Cutter, D. , ( 2009 ) . Drug maltreatment and dependence. Signs, symptoms, and assist for drug jobs. Retrieved on January 8, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // This article discusses what to look for in a individual that you might believe has a substance maltreatment or dependence job. It discusses the causes of the maltreatment and the different types of maltreatment. St. simons, R.L. , and Robertson, J.F. ( 1989 ) . The impact of rearing factors, aberrant equals, and get bying manner upon adolescent drug usage. Family Relations, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 273-281. National Council on Family Relations. Retrieved on January 9, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // This article deals with research on stripling substance usage and maltreatment. This information was obtained from research done on 343 young persons. The research dealt with parental interaction, their equals, and how the young persons felt about themselves. The National Institute on Drug Abuse ( 1996 ) . Drug usage. Retrieved on January 8, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // This article discusses the difference between drug usage, maltreatment, and dependance. It talks about drug dangers and their badness. It besides discusses the drug maltreatment intervention. The National Institute on Drug Abuse, ( 2008 ) . NIDA for teens: Facts on drugs – Anabolic steroids. Retrieved on January 8, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // This article talks about steroid usage among jocks, how they are used, and the effects of the drug. It besides discusses the range of usage among teens. The National Institute on Drug Abuse, ( 2009 ) . Addiction scientific discipline: From molecules to pull off attention. National Institute of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved on January 8, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // This is a series of articles that discusses everything from wellness effects to the money spent of drugs. It touches on HIV/AIDS. It discusses what happens to the encephalon when a individual is on drugs. It talks about how and why people become addicted to drugs. It discusses what factors affect the interaction of drugs and how the environment affects the use. It besides touches on intervention and what can be done in the instance of a backsliding. Toray, T. , Coughlin, C. , Vuchinich, S. , and Patricelli, P. ( 1991 ) . Gender differences associated with adolescent substance maltreatment: Comparisions and deductions for intervention. Family Relations, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 338-344. National Council of Family Relations. Retrieved on January 9, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // This was research done on a group of 930 striplings, both male and female, who were in intervention for drug maltreatment. This research shows how substance maltreatment and dependence affects the male and female otherwise. It takes into affect the history of physical and or sexual maltreatment and household history of substance maltreatment. I. Introduction a. Substance maltreatment and dependence B. Problem today among people c. Reason of dependence II. Statement of Problem a. Relevant – large job in today ‘s society B. Way to understand job c. What causes people to go addicted? d. Why does it impact some and non others? e. Are at that place underlying jobs to the maltreatment? f. Are at that place underlying jobs to the dependence? g. How does it impact those around them? III. Discussion a. Substance maltreatment B. Substance dependence c. Social deductions d. Parental engagement e. Peer engagement IV. Causes a. What causes the maltreatment and dependence B. Statisticss c. Family history d. Peer force per unit area V. Rational behind abuse/addiction a. It ‘s all right, I can discontinue anytime b. I am non aching anyone c. It does non be that much VI. Media influence Exposure to anti drug messages Helping the cause VII. Prevention a. Parents B. Peers c. Programs d. Rehabilitation VIII.. Relapse a. Reason b. Abstinence VIIII. Decision a. Reason for dependence and/or maltreatment B. Affects of intervention c. Problem today in the United States Brooding Narrative

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Hiring a Plant Manager

A plant manager oversees all daily operations of a plant. He often is in charge of everything from production and manufacturing to making sure policies and procedures are followed in all departments. Supervising and motivating staff members generally are major parts of the job as well. The plant’s physical operations generally are the main responsibility of the plant manager. He is required to maintain a clean plant free of safety or health concerns.The production equipment and machinery should be meticulously cared for to avoid lapses in the manufacturing process and to ensure quality control standards are upheld. The manager of the plant may also be required to constantly monitor workers to spot any procedural infractions and correct them in a timely manner. In addition to managing daily plant functions, the manager may be responsible for creating and following a budget and preparing profit and loss projections.This requires proficiency in math and skills in creating reports and spreadsheets utilizing commercially produced and in-house software programs. The ability to interpret reports and statistics from outside agencies is also an important skill needed by a plant manager. Having a trustworthy and competent administrative staff in place helps the manager run a productive and profitable facility. From the human resources manager to the person in charge of ordering raw materials for production, the excellence of the supervisorial staff’s performance is often imperative to the overall success of the plant.The plant manager generally relies on these staff members to maintain good employee relations, quality control standards and meet production deadlines. The plant manager also may attend departmental meetings to personally address and resolve problems. Making sure his plant has a positive image in the community can be important for company morale. The plant manager may also be required to ensure the plant has a good reputation for respecting the environment and other local businesses.If he has to implement changes in physical operations or labor needs that affect local residents, having neighborhood support can be crucial. Public relations may also be a large part of a plant manager’s job. He often is the designated spokesperson if the media approaches him on any plant-related issues. The manager might be expected to intelligently and positively represent his plant as well as its goals and employees. If a debate ensues, he may be relied upon to persuasively argue his point of view on issues of importance to his company.Being able to objectively view company as well as community issues significantly helps a plant manager succeed. A bachelor’s degree in operations management or business administration is strongly preferred for most plant manager positions. Continuing education classes and seminars on project, plant and human resources management are often required once the job is secured. Experience in producti on, manufacturing or assembly management is considered an asset for plant manager job applicants.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Challenges of the Youth Essays

Challenges of the Youth Essays Challenges of the Youth Essay Challenges of the Youth Essay Essay Topic: Everything I Never Told You Challenges of the Youth BY JDN21 Abusive Parents By: Jeremiah Ngiratreged 587-8868/778-5668 Palau Mission Academy In times like these, when faith often proves in vain, many turn away from what is right. The toughest challenges that the youth face often begin at home. It is hard to say what truly drives human beings to be so careless and cruel, but we can say this for sure, all people have the potential to be monsters. The duty of a parent is to protect, to nurture, and to teach their children. Some parents simply toss this responsibility to the wind, and leave the future of a child to chance. I have seen and eard many stories of many children being abandoned, abused, and apprehended. Can children really be blamed for criminal actions? Is everything that they do really a reflection of who they are, or is it all nothing more than a voice crying out in desperation to be heard by someone? Sometimes actions are the only way people know how to communicate with each other. Many of the youth today, not only have to face the challenges of school, and work, but must also have to face the trials of their own home. A few years ago, I had a friend who had been one of the smartest, strongest, and most inspirational people I had ever known. She was someone that I had always looked up to. She was always kind, always loving, always willing to do what was right and a great friend to everyone she met, but somehow she never seemed happy. One day she came to school looking hurt and miserable and wouldnt respond to anyone. I asked her what was wrong and pleaded with her to be completely honest. She made me promise not to tell anyone about anything she was about to tell me. I made her that promise, and she rolled up her sleeve. Her arm was had been abused by her parents the night before, but what shocked me even more as the fact that she told me this had been happening for 2 years and no one had ever known. I had been the first person she told, and the last. As her best friend I kept my promise and never told anyone, thinking that I was doing the right thing. A month later, she died. She had taken her own life. Her parents were caught, arrested, lost everything they had, and everyone finally knew the truth, but it was too late. Years later that memory still haunts me and still I regret never saying anything. I wish I could go back, wish I could change the past, because though promises are meant to e kept, some must be broken! My friend, who I will not name, paid the ultimate price at the hands of her own parents, and for what? She never did anything wrong! Abusive parents not only endanger the lives of their own children, but of everyone around them as well! What is it that drives a parent or guardian to be such a monster? There are many reasons, but one of the most common reasons is alcohol. Alcohol affects the brain it warps your mind, and deters your Judgment. It brings out the worst in you, and makes you do things that you would never normally do. It can eighten your anxiety levels making you more prone to being easily angered, annoyed, or abusive! It is a very dangerous thing, and because of it, many lives have been lost and taken. It is highly addictive, which makes its appeal to people even stronger. Many find it extremely hard if not impossible to quit. Because of this, many kids even fear going home. Staying at a friends house, finding excuses to be late, doing everything in their power to avoid being near their own parents are all desperate attempts of children trying to escape the harsh reality of them being eaten, sexually abused, or worse. Many will grow up angry and bitter, with both psychological and physical damage. Most will follow their parents example and become alcoholics themselves, thus starting the cycle over again. How many more of these children have to suffer? How many more have to die? How many more have to go through hell and back, before somebody realizes all this must stop?! A childs parent is their whole world, their light in the dark, their shelter from the storm. The time span of childhood to adulthood is the most important time of all. It is at this ime when every child learns whats right and whats wrong, whats up and whats down, who they are and who they want to be. This is the time of their life where they need the most support. Parents are not only caregivers, they are living examples, and if a parent is doing nothing but beating their child, pushing them around, or yelling at them constantly, they are doing nothing but destroying their child, and creating a monster! What you reap is what you sow, and one day when that child grows up the only thing that parent will see in him is a reflection of himself as a parent. This doesnt have to happen, in fact this was never how the world was suppose to be, and though we cannot end parental abuse we can prevent and limit it! It is my hope that one day we will all wake up from this nightmare. That every home will be filled with love, that every child will grow up happy, healthy, live long prosperous lives, and that no one ever has to go through the pain of losing a loved one to abuse ever again! For I know the plans I have for you, so says the Lord, Plans to help you not to harm you, to give you hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Chapter Assignment

A. Scope Statement Project objective To organize a casual, charity dinner-dance concert for 30 couples within four weeks at cost not to exceed $5,500. Deliverables Dinner for 60 people. Venue. Jazz music performance. Charity Information announcement. Milestone 1. Hall reserved and Jazz combo hired -February 2 2. The guest list checked-February 7 3. Invitation sent-February 14 4. Track list confirmed-February 20 5. Caterer hired-February 25 6. Tables, chairs arranged-February 28 Technical requirements . There must be dance floor that can accommodate 60 people to dance. 2. There must be sufficient number of tables and chairs that can hold 60 people. 3. There must be proper sound equipment for the music. Limits and exclusions 1. The concert will be organized to the specification provided by the local charity. 2. Alcohol drinks are not included among the ticket price but soft drinks are included. 3. Venue decoration and arrangement work limited through February 27 to March 1. Customer review The local charity b.The priorities would likely be the time and scope. The time is constrained since the concert would be held on specific date, and the scope of it must meet the specifications provided by the local charity. The quality should be accepted since the project should be on time and not to exceed the budget. Therefore, slightly lower quality is acceptable though not desirable. The one should be enhanced Is cost. Because the remaining budget will be included In charitable donations, the organizer loud take advantage of every opportunity to reduce the cost.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Reformation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Reformation - Essay Example It had no lasting influence unlike other European countries except the fact that it strengthened the Roman Catholic Church1. However, sometimes the Reformation is described as the Northern Renaissance. This description has been given to the Reformation in the views of many of the historians. The Northern Renaissance is the Renaissance in northern Europe. It was by the late 15th century that the ideas of the Italian Renaissance humanism spread across Europe and influenced many national and localized movements such as the French Renaissance, German Renaissance and others. Each of these had their own different characteristics and strengths. Italian art and artists such as Leonardo Di Vinci were commissioned and great palaces were built to import the art. It was also believed that the Northern Renaissance was closely linked to the Protestant Reformation and to the series of external and internal conflicts that existed between the various Protestant groups and the Roman Catholic Church. T hese had a lasting impact on the Renaissance. Despite the link between the Northern Renaissance and the Reformation, many researchers have found the differences between them that hinder the connection link between them. The Northern Renaissance was seen as the rebirth of the Greek and Roman civilization2. The Renaissance first begun in the states of Italy and many of the intellectuals suggested that the era after the fall of the Roman Empire till their own times was the Dark Ages, or the Middle Ages. However, this was not true, in fact the irony of the Renaissance, the cultural and intellectual achievements owed a lot to the medieval world. There were many gains in literature, art, philosophy and political thoughts, and individualism was seen as people wanted to receive personal credit fir what they did rather than praising God for everything. As the education spread throughout the Europe and the printing press was introduced in the mid-fifteenth century, the Renaissance spread thro ughout the Europe and was now called the Northern Renaissance. The Northern Renaissance was mainly interested in the religious concerns and this is what leads to the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation had aimed to correct the problems associated with the Catholic Church and sparked the religious civil war for over a century. It was mainly a spiritual and religious revolution3. There were many ideas that emanated in the Italian Renaissance which influenced the Reformation. The Italian Renaissance encouraged the concept of individual and the search for beauty and knowledge. Various forms were used to spread the Renaissance throughout Europe which included letters, writings and several other kinds of practices. This way, the Northern Renaissance was seen to have been influenced by the relationship of the individual with God. The values were built upon the importance of learning and staying connected to the personal relationship with God. Eventually, with further teachings and idea s, a religious sect arose which applied the humanist values to the religious life. And thus, gradually the Northern Renaissance gave a rise to the Reformation. Petrarch, Erasmus and Luther’s lives are best descriptions of the adoption of Renaissance into the Reformation. Petrarch insisted the learning of Greek and Roman manuscripts. He portrayed the value and worth of a man through his portraits and letters. Furthermore, his travels allowed the ideas to spread throughout Europe. An example is his description of the Renaissance as the